Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My inaugural post

I have friends with blogs and decided I wanted one that was on the more personal side. This is probably because I'm 18 weeks pregnant with baby number one and need somewhere to vent and journal and do all those fun things.

Today the university where I work had a snow day, which means I didn't have to drive on ice through blinding clouds of blowing snow to lecture on Judaism and Christianity. The bad news is that on Friday, weather permitting, I'll have to somehow cover Judaism, Christianity AND Islam in one 50-minute period, and I'm not sure if it can be done. But with midterms coming, I have to get us back on track.

Pregnancy-wise, I'm definitely getting rounder. Even though I worry sometimes that I haven't felt anything moving, and even though for a "fluffy" person like me, it's pretty early to feel anything, I have had quite a bit of tickling and odd sensations in my lower pelvis today and I know it's the Liftoff Kid at work. I've felt movement on and off since New Year's Eve, which probably means this kid likes to party. Or that s/he was protesting watching a 1970s TV-movie that starred Cliff Robertson as Buzz Aldrin (the deeply painful Return to Earth). Liftoff Guy had a 16 mm copy of it and that's how we rang in the new year, watching that on a makeshift screen in a friend's basement. It was actually really fun.

We get to find out if Liftoff Kid is a girl or boy on February 12th - assuming LK cooperates. According to a probably silly test I took last week called IntelliGender, however, LK is a girl. We shall see, but I've had 4 or 5 dreams now that the baby's a girl and most of the family seems to think so. If LK's a boy, there will be some adjustments to be made, mentally.

I'm trying to post some photos and the blog software wants them to be at the top of the page. Not sure how to adjust that.

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