Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well, Dad got through the weekend okay and is feeling better, despite leaving the hospital in a rage on Thursday night, driving home in the dark (which isn't legally allowed based on his driver's license), and only realizing the next day that he left with the IV needle and some attached stuff hanging out of his arm. Yikes. But he's on meds and feeling better, so this is good.

Liftoff Guy and I continue to be sick but are finishing our antibiotics. Our joint religion/science academic presentation thingie on Saturday was cool and went well even though there were some fundie types in the audience that were sort of scary.

The weather has been scary too.

Today is U-Day. The Big Ultrasound. Today, baby permitting, we find out if this is Liftoff Girl or Liftoff Boy who's been acting so quiet and then takes a few moments to kick the heck out of mom before settling back down. Weird feeling yesterday while I was sitting, waiting in the car for LG to to to the post office. All of a sudden a bam bam bam. Bam bam bam bam. Bam bam! In my lower pelvis. It sort of hurts, I mean, not horribly, but still. I still can't feel anything if I put my hand on my tummy though.

I don't want to be nervous about the ultrasound, but I bet I am. I'm also annoyed that I haven't been able to really exercise lately because of being sick, then being sick again, and then being sick now. So I don't know what things like my blood pressure are going to be like.... Especially when I'm worried about whether they'll spot anything unusual or abnormal or we won't find out the baby's sex.

I'll update.

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