Saturday, August 23, 2008

Alone for the first time

This won't be a long post, but Liftoff Guy drove out of state to rescue a friend of his who's working in a very rural area, has terrible kidney stones, no medical insurance, and no access to those sound wave kidney stone breaking-up thingies (sorry). LG will be bringing Friend home so that he can get medical treatment here, but this is a 10-hour trip each way. So Liftoff Boy and I are in the middle of our first night home alone together.

It's 4:14am. I'm up pumping breast milk (I almost typed beast milk), hoping LB will keep sleeping at least until I'm done. I'm sleeping tonight better than I expected, but we'll see what happens in the near future.

In other news, LB continues to be giant. He had a pediatrician's appointment on Wednesday and is in the 100th percentile for both height and weight. At 2 months, he's 14 pounds, 6 ounces and 24 3/4 inches long. His head is 90th percentile. He's likely to be a big guy forever apparently, because of the size of his head. He's not just growing fast, he's sort of consistently big. I don't know. But wow. He's about the right size for a 4 month old. He can also support his weight on his legs already if you help with balance, which is also a skill associated with being 3 or 4 months old, per our doctor, not two.

LB had to have an ultrasound to check his hips, just because he was breech. He was fine, but the ultrasound tech felt compelled to mention that her giant child (another 9 pounder at birth) started walking at 6 months. Walking! Please, LB, don't be THAT fast!

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