Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We all just got over stomach flu. During the worst of it, Liftoff Boy was a great sleeper. Naps during the day and a big old stretch from 8:30 or so to 7am. Even when he's sick, he usually sleeps through the night. Last night he went to bed easily about 9pm after playing for a good hour and after eating a big dinner (his appetite seems to have returned yesterday, yay). But he woke up crying miserably at 12:30am. We don't generally feed him during the night (we generally don't get up and eat during the night either), but after an hour and a half of diaper change and holding and unsuccessful self-soothing, I got him a bottle and that sucker was slurped down fast. He fell asleep at about 2. But he was up again at 3 (another bottle) and 4:30 (no bottle, but a stuffed animal in an effort to try something else that might be soothing. He seemed delighted at the stuffed animal (Flopsy, a bright yellow bear given to LB by my mother) and spent the next half-hour talking to it until he fell asleep. I woke up to his desperate, pained cries at 6:45 and brought him another bottle. Now I'm up with a full day of work ahead of me and the crying has just recommenced.

There were two doses of Tylenol in there. We don't know what is going on. This isn't how he acts when he's teething, so my guess is ear infection or possibly massive hunger bought on by his body trying to put on the weight loss during the flu. But this is probably the worst night we've had with him since he was born! Calling the pediatrician at 9 to see what's what, but then I have to be out the door by 9:45 or so so it'll all be up to Liftoff Guy.

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