Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm a hypocrite

I have several blogs that I read regularly and I get so annoyed when they don't update in a timely manner - and then there's my blog. But I rationalize that hardly anyone ever reads it (only one person that I know of), so....

Anyway, this has been a wacky week in the Liftoff household. The Stomach Flu Fairy visited and we've all spent the last few days (since Sunday) engaged in various forms of spew. Being sick with an equally sick baby is not fun. Also, Liftoff Boy had a tooth break through yesterday up top and has the other top one working its way through, so he's had a lovely combination of nausea, intestinal discomfort AND teething pain. He's usually quite the adventurer, but when knocked low like this he HAS to be on someone's lap or hip at all times.

On the plus side, LB thinks it's delightful and hilarious when I use my battery-powered toothbrush. It always gets a big grin, sick or no. And he'll hold on to it for me and help me brush if he's on Liftoff Guy's lap. Brushing Mommy's teeth is a good hobby I guess.

Also on the plus side, today the diaper changes were less frequent and, wonder of wonders, LB was actually willing to eat. Anything but milk or formula has been rejected this week, or, if not rejected, the cause of much vomiting. Even Pedialyte made him throw up. So hearing from LG that LB ate a bunch of apple sauce today and some oatmeal and seemed really interested in it is great news.

Also also on the plus side, my department unanimously recommended me for tenure and promotion to associate professor (up from assistant). There are a few hoops to go through before it's official in May, but it would be really weird if the personnel committee, the dean or the provost overturned it after such approbation from my department. So yay!

1 comment:

kimba said...


What fabulous news! You are such a badass.

And I'm glad you're all feeling better, too :-)