Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The IntelliGender Test

Okay, I guess it's one photo per entry. So, in my previous entry I mentioned taking the IntelliGender test (add first morning urine to chemicals; swirl; see if the concoction turns dark green (boy) or dark orange (girl)). I took it last week and it said "girl." I have promised to let the folks at IntelliGender know on February 12th whether they got it right. Apparently their "girl" results have been more accurate than their "boy" results so far....

Now to bring Unexpected Blueberry Tea to L. Guy in his office next door. I like to surprise him. Yum, tea.

1 comment:

Liftoff Lady said...

We found out on Feb. 12th that IntelliGender was WRONG! I wrote them to let them know, and suprisingly (sarcasm), they didn't respond!