Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Snowy spring

Spring started a few days ago, but the second day of spring we had a massive snowstorm and everything got covered in white again. Today we're having a mix of rain and snow. This, and my desire to sleep in this morning (which I did) is why I have put off having my second gestational diabetes test.

I took my first last week Wednesday. Nonfasting - the number needed to be under 140 and it was 154. So I get to come back in this week after fasting from the night before, do a blood test, drink more glucose stuff, and then do three more blood draws, at 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours after the glucose. This is going to make for a long, hungry, possibly shaky morning. I plan to bring grading and my iPod. Most women who fail the first test pass the second one, so I'm crossing my fingers.

I'm going to try to get some exercise in now. Ta ta...

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