Monday, June 16, 2008

Stop me before I buy again!

So, it's Monday and I'm having the baby on Thursday. You hear a lot about women who know they're about to go into labor by a "nesting" instinct kicking in. Well, hopefully I'll miss labor (sorry, but I'm really happy about skipping that), so I'm not having the "natural" nesting thing. Instead, since I'm teaching a spring class and getting a little bit more money than I'm used to as a result, I'm spending. Mostly on the baby. I'm getting my nest ready through the purchase of much technology.

Sigh. We have hardwood floors and tile. I like that except unless you sweep/vacuum all the time, you end up with schmutz all over your feet. It's gross. I was contemplating this a few weeks ago and decided we needed a Roomba. So I bought one, and it arrived on Saturday. It's one of those little round robots that covers your rooms in some kind of scientifically-determined pattern, sweeping and vacuuming as it goes, bumping gently off of the walls and spending extra time on places where it senses more dirt. Liftoff Guy was irritated with me until he saw it in action and then he melted. It's a robot. We like robots. We named it Isaac after Isaac Asimov. And the floors are less schmutzy.

I also bought a Sweetpeace soothing swing thing. It rocks babies at 6 different speeds, plays a heartbeat or rainstorm or river or classical music or your own mp3 player. It's basically a robot mother - warm and fuzzy and sounds like the inside of the womb and rocks baby gently back and forth. I'm sure I'll hold Liftoff Boy all the time, but I love the idea of something high-tech that can also calm him down. Can you just see him napping in his robotic soother while Isaac the vacuuming robot spins by?

And then I bought the milk pumping set. I may rent from the hospital for a while too. But I can see that for me, motherhood isn't looking very crunchy granola natural. It's looking like a utopian (dystopian? I hope not) vision of a cybernetic future. A cybernetic consumerist future. I'm a bad person. Sigh.


kimba said...

I SO want a Roomba. However, hardwood floors, five pets? Do you think it's up to the task?

Good luck Thursday!!! :-)

Liftoff Lady said...

We haven't been using it very long, but it seems to be really good at picking up hair, dust, even sand, which impressed me. We've mostly used it on hardwood, but we tried it in G's office today and it worked really well - that place is carpeted and hasn't been vacuumed in months and months. The poor thing kept focusing on tiny areas and going into serious dirt detection mode (a blue light comes on when this happens).

I heard on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me on NPR this weekend that dogs tend to attack them...UNLESS the owner scolds the Roomba very viciously in front of the dog(s) and humiliates it - apparently it's less threatening to canines this way.